July 25, 2021

The Stack and Frame in AArch64

The Stack and Frame in AArch64

When should use them?

When you find that your program is getting bigger and bigger, you should find some ways to make your code more readable. The first method in your mind is possibly using function. You will find that in 64-bits arm world, it’s more easier to use function than in x86.

For example, if you have a main program called main.s and a function called foo in foo.s. You can invoke the function very easily by this instruction:

// something done before
bl foo
// something will do after return

The secret behind the easy use of invoking function is that there is not just one register PC that can record the return address. In AArch64, the processor has at least two specific registers about the address of instruction, pc and lr. pc register records the address of next instruction that waits to be executed. lr register records the return address. So there is no need for programmers to put pc and parameters to stack as in x86.

However, things will change if you consider some situations that you call function which calls another function. In these cases, you must store the lr and sp into somewhere you can visit later. That is because lr can only record the latest return address. For example, if you want to call function foo1 which calls foo2, you can see that lr records the return address of main function after calling foo1. When foo1 calls foo2, lr will update the value to the return address of foo1. If you don’t store the return address of main function, you will lose that. Here is a brief graph that demonstrates well.

main ---> foo1
foo1 ---> foo2
foo1 <--- foo2
main <-x- foo1

Why use two registers for handling stack?

That’s because of the alignment feature of ARM processors and clumsy mechanism of stack in AArch64. ARM requires all its instructions and data be aligned in order to visit them more conveniently. sp register must be aligned with 16 bytes. Stack and frame grow by decreasing the address. Therefore, the element of stack has a size of 16 bytes. sp records the top of stack, and the last unit of sp must be zero.

But 16 bytes means too large for many situations. an element of stack can store two values of general registers, which are 64 bits. If you have some small size values, for example, 32 bits or 16 bits, that’s clumsy to store them into a 16 bytes element respectively. That’s why you need fp register. fp doesn’t have a limit that must be aligned with 16 bytes. So you can use fp register more flexible and decrease the waste of stack.

Some good methods to use stack wisely

About this Post

This post is written by Chen Li, licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.